
Well, here I am.

Despite my best efforts to avoid the whole Web 2.0 thing, I seem have to inadvertently fallen into the class that requires me to fling myself into it head first.

Me, I was perfectly happy rattling around in the world outside of people blithely convinced they changed the world with every blog post they made. I browse non-political forums, volunteer details of my life and my opinions when I felt like it, and played in my massively mutliplayer fantasy worlds. The whole web-revolution was amusing to watch from the sidelines, but I never felt any particular need to participate.

But of course, the concept it rages on, and the enthusiasts conscript others into their army of assorted buzzwords. The bloggers and vloggers and whatever other made up words rage against the machine, and try to revolutionize everything but the kitchen sink.

Who knows, maybe they're trying to revolutionize that too.

And of course, everything they set out to do succeeds, which is why Bush has been impeached, net neutrality has been passed, the Iraq war has ended, and large corporations no longer control most of what we view.

Oh, wait.

But, maybe I'm being hasty. Maybe my habit of viewing everything with a nice candy coating of sarcasm has gotten the better of me. So, let's see if this class can prove me wrong.

Also, note to self: make this blog less ugly.

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