
Benchmark 01: Thoughts

Well, I fell a bit short of the mark assignment-wise. Juggling the work load for my own class, and what Jasper requires for his class, is a bit difficult when the expectations are so different. I do my best to make sure Jasper gets through his papers and presentations okay, and I forget to blog about it for my own benefit. I concentrate on how to best organize the wiki, and I forget to post to The Pool for my own method of gathering input.

So, what's on the plate for this week, and my remaining two days off.

- Diagrams! The storyboarding has given me ideas for interfaces, now it's time to start playing in Photoshop or Illustrator and seeing how they fly.
- Wiki! The wiki, right now, is a sort of tossed salad of information. Time to organize it, sprinkle it with loads of information, and start tossing the link in a few different directions to get some input.
- Research! As much as internet resources abound and are generously free, I'm still a big fan of the printed word, so it's time to hit up the bookstores and read the words of the experts.

So, see you all next Monday!

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