
Assignment: Computer-Free Capstone

Since my capstone relies on computers on both ends, I decided to turn to another form of communication between people - telephones.


The Interphrase Project

The telephone. A device that lets you pick up and talk to someone across the country as if they were in the next room. Through a complicated series of wires, stations and junctions, people can talk to anyone that they please - provided the person picks up the phone, of course. People are no longer isolated by the delay of writing letters and waiting for a response, or limited to the only sort of emotions you can put on paper. Relationships can stay close between friends and family when you can talk to them as if it were face to face. But, how close are you to the people you know?

Interphrase is a new project that lets you track how many calls you receive from a particular person, and the duration of each. By dialing in and signing up for our service, we begin monitoring your phone usage, and a monthly diagram is sent right to your home. Set up in an easy-to-understand format, like planets in the sky, people you call most often and the longest will be prominently featured, while those who you only call once or twice will be more indistinct. By observing this diagram, we hope that you will get a clearer picture of how the telephone has affected the relationships with the people you know.

Call us toll-free at 1-800-IPP-HOME to sign up!

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